Everything you need to know about shoe care

You should spend the most on shoes and bedding, because if you’re not in the former, then you’re in the latter.

The British firm, which shoes celebrities like Beckham, Stallone, Statham, Day-Lewis, knows that quality shoes cost a lot of money. You also have to spend a lot on shoe care, but these costs are justified, because with proper care a pair of shoes can be used for a lifetime. To ensure that investing in shoes pays maximum dividends, here are some tips to help you take care of your favorite pair of shoes.

Wear Mode

This tip will require patience at first. English shoes are stiff at first and need to be worn out. Glasgow recommends that his clients wear their new shoes for no more than a couple to three hours the first four to six times they put them on.

It is recommended to wear new shoes no more than a couple to three hours in the first four to six times they put them on.

Give your shoes a rest

Of course, you want to wear your fancy new shoes all the time, but this should be avoided. Shoes should be allowed to rest. This allows the leather shoes to spread out and then sit better on the foot. Glasgow recommends giving each pair at least a day of rest after each use. Ideally, a pair should be worn no more than three times a week.

Regular care

You shouldn’t take your shoes off and forget about them until the next day. It takes very little effort to keep your shoes looking great. After each use, you need to brush the dust and dirt off the shoes with a brush and put special spacers inside to keep the shape. You have wooden shoe spacers, right? If not, be sure to buy some. Better if they’re made of cedar – this material is great for absorbing sweat and odors, preserving the quality of the leather and keeping your shoes from warping. If you remember to put spacers in your shoes after each wear, you will prolong their life for many years.

What you should and shouldn’t do when storing shoes

Always store your shoes on spacers, in a dry and light-covered place, preferably in cloth bags to avoid dust. If this is too much for you, remember at least the main tip – do not store shoes in plastic bags, where they are sure to “suffocate” and can even get moldy. A cheap alternative to wooden spacers is crumpled thin paper, but not newspaper! And instead of storing your shoes just spread out around the house, it’s better to put them in the boxes they were sold in – a step toward proper storage.

How to clean your shoes

It’s not just facial skin that needs moisturizing after a hard day. Shoes worn several times a week should be polished with cream at least once every couple of weeks. This not only gives the shoes a shiny look, but also takes care of the skin, so that it remains elastic, does not deform, it does not remain creased. You don’t need to clean your shoes before you leave the house. This is a basic mistake that many people make. You need to let the cream soak, after which – move on to polishing.